Mar 29, 2020
"I feel terribly isolated not seeing my patients face to face, not seeing them in my consulting room. Also, you know, the work with students in all these internet platforms is possible but it is pretty difficult."
Description: In times when we are all facing a crisis of unprecedented proportion, we are going change the...
Mar 25, 2020
“We don’t know when it is going to end, it’s an endless story, and this is the worry… Will everything come back to normality? In the beginning, we thought it would, but now we think nothing will ever be the same.”
Description: Harvey Schwartz welcomes you to the 41st episode of Psychoanalysis On and Off...
Mar 18, 2020
“The experience that we are all feeling of ‘Are we or are we not subject to or have we been in contact with someone who might have Corona that eventually might result in our developing an infection?´ is very much the same as a cancer patient who has gone for investigation of some kind of lesion which is yet unknown...
Mar 8, 2020
“Reflective network therapy is literally an application of child analysis in the real-life setting of a preschool.”
Description: Harvey Schwartz welcomes Dr. Gilbert Kliman a child and adult psychoanalyst who has focused his career on providing measurable outcomes from his clinical work, which he...