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Psychoanalysis On and Off the Couch

Oct 3, 2021

"The frame begins to cry - something gets broken in the analytic session. What do we do then? We interpret just based on early material, what we know about the patient, some kind of reconstruction?  Or are we facing a piece of reality that cannot be analyzed, just analyzed. It might be acknowledged that you have to face it in some way or other, and this is the similarity with what might happen when the 4th wall is disrupted."  


Episode Description: We begin with an understanding of the 4th wall as it refers to the actor's stage - the removal from reality, immersion in metaphor, and the illusion of not being witnessed. Isaac describes how this informs his sense of the analytic frame which he sees as a "choreography between the internal and external worlds." We discuss the challenge of engaging patients when the dyad together faces external dangers. These moments provide an opportunity for "connectivity" to be followed by a return to metaphor. We close by discussing his personal journey from Argentina to eventually landing in the United States. We consider the similarities and differences between analysis in Buenos Aires and in New York. 


Our Guest: Isaac Tylim, PsyD is on the Faculty and Clinical Consultant New York University Postdoctoral Program and is a Fellow and Training Analyst at the Institute For Psychoanalytic Training and Research. He is a former Secretary of the IPA committee in the UN, Co-Founder of the Trauma and Disaster Specialization Program at the NYU Postdoctoral Program, and is a past member of the editorial board of JAPA 


He played the role of Ferenczi in a theatrical event based on the correspondence between Freud and Ferenczi- (Prague, London, Buenos Aires, New York, Philadelphia. Denver) 


Recommended Readings: 


The Power of Apologies in Transforming Resentment into Forgiveness, I J of Applied Psychoanal Studies, 2005. 2(3). 


 Living with Terror. Working with Trauma, Skyscrapers and Bones. Memorials to Lost Objects in the Culture of Desire. In D Knaffo,2004, NY: Aronson 


Terrorism and the Psychoanalytic Space (co-editor) 2003, NY: Pace University 

Ethical Notes on Disrupted Frames and Violated Boundaries.  


Psychoanalysis in Argentina. A Couch with a View. Psychoanalytic Dialogues.1996  6 (5) 




Reconsidering the Moveable Frame in Psychoanalysis. (Co-editor), 2018 London and New York: Routledge 


The Fourth Wall Comes Down. Creative Responses to the Unexpected Room. 2018  NY IPTAR 


The Power of Apologies in Transforming Resentment into Forgiveness I J of Applied Psychoanal Studies.2005  2(3).