Jun 30, 2019
“Both analyst and patient will have to share a bitter taste of abandonment, of boredom, of antagonism and they have to remain together, because together they will be able to construct something to get out of it.”
Description: Harvey Schwartz welcomes Dr. Jose Zusman who is a psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst in Rio de Janeiro. He is a training analyst and a professor at the Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de Janeiro and he is a professor and supervisor in psychoanalytic oriented psychotherapy for the Psychiatry Residents at the Federal University in Rio de Janeiro, where he holds a Master in Psychiatry and also a PhD in Psychoanalysis. As you will hear in today’s interview, Dr. Zusman shares with us a sensitive understanding of the trauma and lack of resonances that one can find in the early lives of patients who later become addicted. He also describes how one, as a depth psychotherapist and analyst, can listen and ameliorate some of the pain in the patient’s inner lives that lead them to turn to addictive substances.
Key takeaways:
[3:19] What is vital about a psychoanalytic approach in working with addicted patients?
[5:01] Addiction is a symptom.
[5:58] The environment is fundamental.
[6:40] Object seeking.
[7:13] Distortion of the reality.
[8:09] The addicted patient can't find what they need.
[8:44] Human beings are a dependent species.
[11:44] How do you treat a patient who has not been recognized?
[12:39] The addicted clings to any element that makes them feel alive.
[13:18] Patients turn to sensations instead of affects.
[14:27] A clinical case.
[22:57] “I am seeing you”
[23:20] How do you apply a psychoanalytic intervention with patients that are financially impaired?
[24:05] Do not forget the patient.
[25:50] Current situation in Brazil regarding psychoanalytic assistance.
[27:30] We don’t treat symptoms, we deal with the origins.
Mentioned in this episode:
IPA Off the Couch www.ipaoffthecouch.org
Recommended Readings:
Balint, M. (1968/1979).The Basic Fault. Tavistock Publication. London.
Dodes, L (2003). The Heart of Addiction. HarperCollins Publishers. New York.
Fairbairn, W: (2014). Then and Now Routledge Publishers. New York.
Khantzian, E.J. (1997). Treating Addiction as a Human Process
Jason Aronson. New York
McDougall, J (1995). The Many Faces of Eros. W.W. Norton Company, Inc. New York.