Dec 12, 2021
"In conflict, especially in war when we have massive conflict, each side believes that truth and right are on their side. It is very difficult to reason with each side because each side believes that right and truth are on their side.”
Episode Description: We begin by describing the current widespread craving...
Nov 28, 2021
“The students are fascinated to see that someone who ordinarily they know behind the couch can be on the stand and try to influence social justice, and influence foster care systems, influence schools, churches and often corporations.”
Episode Description: We begin by recalling Dr. Kliman's 92nd birthday...
Nov 14, 2021
"A large group [of analysts] sitting in the circular Tavistock manner talked about their reactions to the state of the world. It wasn’t just about the law about Poland and the Holocaust but also about the populist movements that were gaining ground in many places. The psychoanalysts were saying ” What can we do?...
Oct 31, 2021
"I decided I would try to understand things psychologically because it seemed to me that the current wisdom that people were acting as rational actors operating in their own best interests didn’t actually fit the facts. Many people and communities were doing things that were harmful to themselves. ...
Oct 17, 2021
"I jump into a book - we take a book into our hands, and I become everybody, everywhere in every era. I become Emma Bovary - it is a very famous expression by Flaubert saying, “I am Emma Bovary, Emma Bovary c’est moi.” I become someone else in a different place, in a different time, in a different body, sometimes...