Aug 30, 2020
"Nuestra propuesta de trabajo a la institución fue la de implementar la puesta en marcha de un espacio de juego y producción individual para los niños y jóvenes llamado Tiempo Especial. Todas las observaciones recogidas por el educador en ese encuadre luego son discutidas en la modalidad de grupo de Discusión de...
Aug 16, 2020
"Historians have had to learn to explore their own subjectivity in dealing with the past. They can only see what they are prepared to see and they have frequently blocked out, scotomized, what they really don’t want to see. This is part of the current struggle in the history profession"
Description: Dr....
Aug 9, 2020
"The schools of thought differed very strongly. The Calcutta school primarily belonged to the classical Freudian school of thought whereas Bombay worked from a very structured Tavistock model which they have been following for a very long time. In Dehli we find the Ericksonian model. These cites developed these models...