Nov 24, 2019
“We live inside architectural structures, for instance, our own, but at the same time they live inside our minds, in dreams, for example, we can build architectural structures, modify them or destroy them.”
Description: Harvey Schwartz welcomes Dr. Cosimo Schinaia. Dr. Schinaia is a training and supervising...
Nov 17, 2019
“The idea was that what we called ‘phantastic objects’ get created sometimes in the mind of investors, which promise much more than just money; it is of course money, but they are ‘phantastic objects’ in the sense that Melanie Klein or someone like that might mean them, things that if you possess are like...
Nov 10, 2019
“The experience and feeling that another person who is close to you is really curious about you and who really wonders who this person is - someone who is interested in asking the question: ‘Who are you?’ I think it is through that type of curiosity and the relationship which stems from that, that we develop a lot...
Nov 3, 2019
“Interpreting experience in role, is in relation to the mission of the organization, is an extraordinarily useful way of beginning to develop a shared understanding of organizational dynamics.”
Description: Steven Rolfe welcomes Dr. Edward Shapiro, who is a training and supervising analyst at the Berkshire...